We are currently revamping Drink & Dish Local to provide a better experience for you and help you find local establishments to Eat & Drink.
Please check out and Follow us on Social Media while we update. We have a variety of blog posts to try and tide you over until we can get the many wonderful local locations listed.

Bourbon tasting at @ruralinnbourbon . Sampling bourbons from @circlecitywhiskeyco #bourbon #indy #drinklocal #spirits

Pink Lemonade Doughnuts from @doughnutsanddragonsindy #doughnuts #eatlocal #eatindylocal #eatindy #donuts

Great sandwich! O.C.G. Club at @journeymandistillery . #eatlocal #eatmichigan #turkeysandwich #turkeyclub #club

Great coffee and great conversation at @indiecoffeeroasters . #coffee #drinklocalcoffee #drinklocal #carmel #drinkcarmel

Traditional Race Day Bloody Mary with @journeymandistillery vodka! @indianapolismotorspeedway @ltlegionlegends #indy500 #drinklocal

Carne Asada Tacos at the Social Cantina in Carmel, with a Mexican Mule. #tacotuesday #socialcantina...

Friendly neighbor's from Nebraska shared some Zip Line Brewing Co. #drinklocal #indy500🏁 #nebraska @ziplinebrewing

The first Bloody Mary of the day with some tasty Journeyman's vodka. @journeymandistillery @Kevin_The_Journeyman #racefans...

Race Weekend has started an no better way to start than with some Journeyman! #indy500...

317 Burger with fries at @317burger #angusbeef #burger #eatlocal #eatindy #broadripple @angryapephoto

Bleu Cheese Ribeye at @mountainjackssteak #steakhouse #steak #eatlocal #eatlafayette #ribeye @angryapecreative @angryapephoto

Bistro sandwich at Ruth's Cafe. #eatindianapolis #eatlocal #sandwich #bacon @ruths_cafe @angryapecreative @angryapephoto

Badger Burger at Fork & Alehouse in Carmel. #burgers #eatlocal #drinklocal #eatcarmel #cheese @forkandalehouse @angryapecreative...

Porchetta sandwich at @turfcatering . Delicious! @angryapephoto @bestfoodindianapolis #eatlocal #eatindianapolis #eatindy #pork #sandwich

The Orange Fashioned at Next Door. Orange infused bourbon. @nextdooreatery @angryapephoto @angryapecreative #drinklocal #drinkindy #indianapolis...

Angry Mule at 317 Burger. @317burger @angryapephoto @angryapecreative @broadripplevillage @cityofindianapolis #burgers #eatlocal #eatindy #eatbroadripple #ghostpepper

Brewer Steak Sandwich at Daredevil Hall. @thedaredevilhall @daredevilbeer @angryapephoto @angryapecreative @cityofindianapolis #eatlocal #eatindy #eatindiana #eatindianapolis...

Daredevil Spark Plug has a blend of blood orange soda. @thedaredevilhall @angryapephoto @angryapecreative #drinkindiana #driinklocal...

Awesome doughnuts from Rise'n Roll in Valparaiso. @risenroll @risenrollvalpo @angryapephoto @angryapecreative @valparaisoevents @valparaiso #doughnuts #breakfast...